HUGHENDEN Art Group's next meeting will be on Monday at 7.15pm when there will be a talk on Eric Gill and some of the local art community at Piggotts. Next Friday the painting theme will be Skies and their Moods led by Mike Eade and on Monday November 5 the class will be drawing and painting cats and dogs. There will be no meeting on Friday November 9.

Anyone interested in an all-day painting workshop on Saturday November 17 can book through Alan O'Neill on 01494 532285. It will take place at the village hall and costs £12.50 for members or £13.50 for non-members.The workshop starts at 10am and will end at 4pm.

The Members Exhibition will be in the small village hall on Saturday November 24 at the same time as the Village Hall Bazaar.

VALLEY Wives meet again next Friday when they will hear Michael Hyde talking about the Chiltern Woodlands.

HUGHENDEN Infants School again wish to remind you that their Bonfire and Fireworks Display will be on Saturday November 3 from 5.30pm. Tickets at £4 for adults and £2.50 for children are available from the village shop. Refreshments are included.

GREAT Kingshill School have a vacancy for a learning support assistant to work alongside an autistic child in the reception class. If you are interested please contact the headmaster, Roger Dodds, on 01494 713159.