Signs reading 'NO BALL GAMES' have oppressed generations of children - but this is about to change.

Haringey council is set to review all signs prohibiting sports like football and basketball as part of a new flab fighting alliance.

The council has teamed up with Homes for Haringey (HfH), Tottenham Hotspur FC, the NHS and schools to tackle obesity.

Part of this initiative will see the council and HfH review all 'No Ball Games' signs and remove them where they are preventing children from playing.

The Haringey Obesity Alliance will also be launching a Shape up with Spurs scheme later this summer, a ten-week sport and weight management programme helping people in the east of Haringey to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Cllr Peter Morton, chairman of the Haringey Obesity Alliance, said: “We know that the obesity problem in Haringey cannot be solved by any one agency or organisation acting alone, instead it demands close cooperation between partners in health, education, local government, business, the voluntary sector and the wider community.

“Working together I’m sure we will make great progress in reversing the rise of obesity, by encouraging healthier eating, increasing and sustaining people’s participation in sport and leisure activities, and creating a culture that makes positive lifestyle changes easier.”