RIVERS in Haringey are so polluted they do not contain enough oxygen to support fish, a study by a charity has found.

Researchers from water environmental charity Thames21 and Queen Mary’s University tested the water in the Moselle Brook, that runs through Tottenham, and found that healthy fish could not survive.

The findings are part of a study that measured pollution levels in all the tributaries of the River Lea – London’s second-biggest river system.

Activist Theo Thomas said: “If someone walked into a wood with a chainsaw and cut down the trees, there would rightly be an outcry. But the equivalent is happening every day in the rivers of London.

“The pollution we all dump down drains, that gets washed off our streets or overflows from sewage works is killing wildlife and making the rivers no go areas for people.”

The group have started a Love the Lea campaign to highlight the problem and find out where the pollution is coming from.