A two-month inquest into the shooting of Mark Duggan by armed police in Tottenham will begin this morning.

The hearings into the death of the 29-year-old will take place at the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand.

Mr Duggan was shot dead by armed police when the minicab he was travelling in was pulled over in Ferry Lane, Tottenham, on August 4, 2011.

Officers involved said Mr Duggan was holding a gun when they opened fire.

The shooting sparked the summer London riots that year and Mr Duggan's family have since campaigned to find out why the shooting took place.

According to the courts, the purposes of the inquest are to ensure so far as possible:

• That the full facts surrounding his death are brought to light

• That any culpable and discreditable conduct is exposed and brought to public notice 

• Suspicion of deliberate wrongdoing, if unjustified, is allayed 

• Dangerous practices and procedures, if discovered, are rectified

The central task of the inquest will be to scrutinise and determine whether the force used which led to Mr Duggan’s death was proportionate to the aim of protecting officers against unlawful violence.

More to follow.