Members of a community group are planning to join together to try and sort out issues with bins in their area.

People living in Harringay Green Lanes are planning to take action over the new bin policy which they say has left their streets in a mess.

Members of online group Harringey Online say they are tired of waiting for Haringey Council and waste contractor Veolia to sort the problem and plan to knock on doors to ask people if they want a smaller rubbish bin and help them order it.

Organiser Hugh Flouch, said: “One of the main reason we’ve chosen to do this is to tidy up the area. A lot of the streets look cluttered with all the bins.

“People have raised a number of concerns about the waste policy and they feel the implementation has been poor.

“There have been problems with how the streets look and when you walk down some you just get a stench from the bins and I just don’t think that was considered when the plan was brought in.

“The policy has lead to an increase in recycling levels which is a good thing, but the implementation has not been.

“We have raised these concerns with the council but nothing seems to have changed and it feels like our concerns are not being listened to.”

The group of ten people plan to start door knocking next month and will feed back peoples responses and problems with the bin policy back to Haringey Council.

Changes to bin collection were brought in by Haringey Council earlier this year in an effort to save £900,000 a year and encourage recycling.

A spokeswoman for Haringey Council said every home in the area has received leaflets and letters informing them of changes to rubbish collection and how they can change their current bin to one of a different size.